Monday, April 6, 2009

Version 10.0

Walking up to a store near you, version 10.0 not only includes a vast array of significant updates, but boasts the ability to build on the skill set inherent to the system. With a penchant for communications and a thyroid for motation (crawling, stairs and a wee bit of walking this week), this little number may just wow you. Updates have been made to the challenged sleep mode. Issues of costume changes are being addressed.
Sly sense of humor and extra
special cuddly/snuggly feature thrown in if you act now.


Kate said...

Um, yes, I would like to purchase one Vi 10.0 please.... thanks ;) That baby just gets cuter by the second!

cma said...

Actually we'll take three Vi 10.0 for me, one for Jeff, and one for Billy. Wait...if you order within the next 10 seconds, you can get one additional VI FREE.....
life is good.