Thursday, September 25, 2008

While Hermie is Away (at improv)...

Oh yes, it's ladies night and the feeling is right?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby Version 3.3

This new version includes important upgrades such as functional hands, genuine interest and the ability to respond with consistency when posed questions in a slightly higher pitch. This feature further allows for laughing brought on by pressure on the appropriate locations and at times, by things simply occurring in close proximity or on screen. This remarkable "non-lumplike" model boasts numerous improvements and eye catching details. It is available to all here online 24/7 . Parents in awe included.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Haiku Hiccup

Smiley growing girl
shoves her wee hands in her mouth
often too far, oops.

R.I.P. Mohawk

This oft anticipated event actually coincided with the introduction of cousins. While there was a teary void of vertical hair, it was immediately replaced by a hair raising onslaught of chatter, hugs, smooches, inquiries and loving pokes. Vi loved every minute.

The Malleable Nuclear Family

The great thing is that these triads aren't even set up. Some day when Hermie and I need a vacation it's straight to Aunt Meighan and Uncle Fan Fan's apartment!

Chaos Good!?

The last 5 weeks have felt like Iggy Pop's "88 Lines About 44 Women," except there would be the need to scratch all references to women, replace them with the assorted array of occurrences/trips/Violet milestones and juxtapose them against the oddball stereotypes of new parents? Alright, maybe is has just been a glorious whirlwind through family visits, Grand Lake, Ruidoso, Chicago and the Democratic Convention, and has no relationship to the song at all. Good song, even better times over here watching this neat lady as she has passed from loving arms to loving arms.