Monday, July 27, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I have not made time to update this recently. I feel crappy about that. Kind of the same way I feel icky about the strange stain in the bathtub, the growing dust bunnies and the un-checked list on the refrigerator. I do however feel exceptionally good about splashing in the bathub with Vi, lolly running around the park, our visit to the circus, the never ending page flipping in our books, the brand new fish gurgling around in a square (Skeletor), getting work done and exploring the spring habitat in the hood. That stuff is so much more fun. See?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Version 10.0

Walking up to a store near you, version 10.0 not only includes a vast array of significant updates, but boasts the ability to build on the skill set inherent to the system. With a penchant for communications and a thyroid for motation (crawling, stairs and a wee bit of walking this week), this little number may just wow you. Updates have been made to the challenged sleep mode. Issues of costume changes are being addressed.
Sly sense of humor and extra
special cuddly/snuggly feature thrown in if you act now.

Little Buddy

While Heyden often gets the short end of his 112 year old stick, we (alright, I) feel it important to mention just how influential he has been thus far in Vi's jam packed little life of 10 months (Heyden was her third word after all). He not only allows her to poke her ever pointing finger in to his eyes, he seems to delight in having her fist in his ear and her minature body thrown full force on his tender hips that no one else is allowed to touch. She yanks on his hair while he plays dead (it can be hard to tell) and in deference to his friendship, Vi frequently wears a chunk of fur prominently stuck on her chin. The similarities between the two are also in the upswing. As of right now, they both enjoy patrolling and licking the kitchen floor, gnawing on rubbery things, cruising garbage cans, making a run for it when it is thought that no one is watching, and doing a full perimeter before committing to contact when amongst their own kind.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lions, Elephants and that Little Train around the Ducks

Mike, Beth and Sara were hitting the zoo and we wanted in on that action. As Winter no longer takes form of an Iceberg, and we have taken the form of beast oggler; Wonder Twin powers activate!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Teeth have made an appearance! We thought them a little un-nerving at first, but are now clear on the reason for her rejection of solid foods. Please don't mention anything to Vi, she is a little self conscious.

Produce Vs. That Which We Produced

While I have been accused of befriending and purchasing damaged fruits and vegetables, I want to be clear, I completely missed the special qualities we subsequently found in this particular orange while watching the Oscars. Not sure if there is a category for this. Best supporting produce?

The Adventures of the Tres Amigas

The winds and mountains called to us. A car was procured, Auntie Alli picked up, a mousecot named lance engaged and maps left behind to continue their job evening out chair legs. The blue highways of New Mexico as well as those utterly covered in treacherous snow stretched out before us. Ahhh...Vi's first chick road trip.

A Winner Has Been Declared!

It started innocently enough. The highly anticipated bout pit the first small tooth of one Violet Sparrow against the rather formidable Amarylis bulb purchased post holiday season. They stared each other down as the bell struck. The rounds passed quickly, the fans visibly sweat it out as the sleepless nights mounted. As the bulb began to bear flowers, it was clear that the little ones gums were still barren (unlike her towel). Unexpected Winner: Amarylis.