Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Common thread?

While you may have guessed nervous habits/dispositions, the correct answer is actually clapping. As if Vi needed to do more to endear her grandparents, she rolled out clapping, waving, saying hi (pretty much), sitting up, pulling herself up in to a stand, kissing and motation fast and furious in the short time frame we were in NJ. We would have been happy with a simple clapping monkey for Christmas, but instead we now have a daredevil living in a highly unbabyfied, albeit excitedly happy house.


The photographer yelled "strike some poses and make 'em snappy and sappy there sweet cheeks!" Vi obliged throwing these beauties out there quicker than she can swipe a book off the table, cram it in her mouth and eliminate it's resemblance to a rectangle. She did however feel the photographer a bit schwarmy and his assistant mentally unstable.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Livin' Lucky is What We Are!

While it was not Vi's first concert, it was her introduction to the live version of her favorite band, Paper Bird. She made me get there early so she could slip right up to the front and guarantee herself enough room to rock it back and forth (and she did!). With the first chord she was completely engrossed although at one point she did make a break for the tasty mic cord to her left. I don't know why she couldn't wait to eat. It wasn't like she waited out over night for tickets or anything...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Faces of the Day

Speaking of baby faces...

Field Operative Heyden

Not wanting attention to be focused on anyone but him, Heyden has thrown a campaign of unparalleled terror in to action. While it includes many of the old favorites, his real genius is the whole back story that continually re-supports his decrepit and deaf dog alibi. Taking advantage of every opportunity, despite serious time constraints, he has truly shown his mastery at deceit and stealth operations. Somewhere in this apartment is a little belt with an ever increasing number of hash marks where Heyden goes to laugh it up as his victories mount. If only he could still howl. Most recent attacks include: destruction of hospital bands from Vi's birth (located far above the normal height range), re-location of 5 pound flower pot in upright position over the top of a hard drive tower, decimation of large bag of Doritos (flaming hot variety; Herms fav), annihilation of 15+ rubbery nuks and elimination of one small Roman Senator costume (see below; wire never recovered).

Sunday, December 7, 2008

We Three Have Wii

Like an 80's parent in search of a Cabbage Patch doll, Herms scoured an unknown number of retail establishments to raise his arms in an early morning victory with the acquisition of the Wii.
We are sure you will agree that Vi's sugar plum holiday dreams are now on the cusp of being fulfilled.

Should we become unrecognizable as a result of prolonged exposure, please refer to our alteregos.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Plebes Don't Hold It Against Us

Apologies citizens, seems Halloween pics were overlooked. The consul of younger was deprived its rights by the obligations of the elders to the Society of Denver Film. Senator Violet thanks you for your offers of candy. She has unanimously elected to partake next year.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


We don't think anything more needs to be said about Election Night. Breathing was easier and Vi got a little bit teary about being here (as in the Skylark) for this good piece of history. Due to the excited nature of the evening other things (like all our photos) got a little blurry. Would have liked to show you more of the participants.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another Drinking Binge

We're not at the point where we're going to call social services, but she does seem to take drinking to the extreme. You can see her here in her latest drunken stupor. She could barely manage to mumble, let alone hold a conversation. She fell over frequently. She lost control of her bladder. It was embarrassing and at times we were afraid she would lose control and we were not sure we were safe. She yelled at me to change her diaper. Then she passed out.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Vi's First Rally

Well, she woke me up at 10:15, and told me to get dressed. At 10:30, she made me find her "good" stroller - the larger one with the pockets and sub-visor. We then proceeded to walk up Broadway 1.5 miles until we found what we assumed was the line to the rally. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a line to donate blood. After Vi gave them a pint, we proceeded one more block to Civic Park, and found a much larger line that disappeared around the block. We found the end of the line, and stood there. One minute later the line exploded, er, dispersed. Everyone started walking towards the capital building. I asked someone why people were walking that way, and a kind fella told us that they had set speakers up in the park so that losers and late-comers could hear the goings-on where the cool people were. Not wanting to look like losers, we walked in the opposite direction until that guy was out of sight. Then we doubled back and up the hill to find a nice spot on the steps of the capital building. As we were on the 15th step, we were exactly 5280 feet above sea level. I turned to make small-talk with a nice couple sitting next to me, and soon discovered that Vi had ditched me to get a better view of the proceedings by climbing the statue in the middle of the lawn. I felt betrayed and a little hurt that she didn't include me in her excursion, and I must admit I felt the warm hand of justice when she got busted by the local police, who returned her to me. I then overheard a lady telling her daughter to be brave. "You're going to just have to be brave for me sweety", "You're gonna have to brave and not poop for a while, there's no way we can get through all those people." Vi overheard the conversation, too, and told the lady about the 40+ porta-potties we had passed when we doubled back after the line bust-up. The lady was elated that her daughter would be able to drop one sooner than later, and offered Vi a free Obama button as compensation. "Would you like a button?" "Sure." "What color?" "I don't care, as long as it has Obama on it." She digs through her bag of beautiful home-made buttons, pulling out her most prized one. She holds it above her head and admires it in the sunlight, turning it back and forth, front to back, before smiling and pinning it on Vi's tomato hat. ( At this point, I'm pretty sure the little girl has already dropped her load, as her mother was taking her sweet-ass time with the button crap, but I wasn't gonna say anything - the button was really nice.) We got kinda bored sitting there, as nothing had really started yet, so we got up and walked around. We walked around the perimeter of Civic Park, trying to see if there was an angle to view the speakers (the human kind). We then heard Bill Ritter speak, and some other people, and then some music, and , finally, Obama himself. We walked around the perimeter some more. We saw loony folks making videos about how there is no freedom of speech inside Civic Park right now because they wouldn't let people take signs into the park. We saw sharpshooters on the roofs of buildings. We saw some crazy anti-'O-BOMB-A' stinky people walking around. We saw a dead dog in the middle of the street. We never got the line of sight we were hoping for, but it was totally fun nonetheless. Then Obama started talking about education, and how we the people need to take responsibility for ourselves and turn out lights we don't need to use. And we were happy. Then Vi drank a fifth of vodka she had hidden in the pocket of her Stroller and passed out. I then wheeled her 1.5 miles back home. We fell asleep on the bed, and took a nap. I was late for improv. -Hermann

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Great Leafy North

Auntie Stace's wedding was this weekend in Northern Michigan. It could not have been a more beautiful time. A perfect mommy and me, flying through the air, landing amongst gorgeous fall trees, spending quality time with the aunties, floating on Crystal Lake, trying to eat apple tree branches, sitting in grass for the first time, attending big time parties and watching a best friend get married through tears of joy (but not having any pictures of that part), whirlwind kind of a thing!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hats For Sale!

And exercise bicycles and strange lamps and miles of yarn and a large vintage dress collection and the kind of cheese gooped sandwich press, and the desk too heavy for any human to move, a door mat that asks one to leave and some apparently thought babies, although not at this sale...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

While Hermie is Away (at improv)...

Oh yes, it's ladies night and the feeling is right?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby Version 3.3

This new version includes important upgrades such as functional hands, genuine interest and the ability to respond with consistency when posed questions in a slightly higher pitch. This feature further allows for laughing brought on by pressure on the appropriate locations and at times, by things simply occurring in close proximity or on screen. This remarkable "non-lumplike" model boasts numerous improvements and eye catching details. It is available to all here online 24/7 . Parents in awe included.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Haiku Hiccup

Smiley growing girl
shoves her wee hands in her mouth
often too far, oops.

R.I.P. Mohawk

This oft anticipated event actually coincided with the introduction of cousins. While there was a teary void of vertical hair, it was immediately replaced by a hair raising onslaught of chatter, hugs, smooches, inquiries and loving pokes. Vi loved every minute.

The Malleable Nuclear Family

The great thing is that these triads aren't even set up. Some day when Hermie and I need a vacation it's straight to Aunt Meighan and Uncle Fan Fan's apartment!

Chaos Good!?

The last 5 weeks have felt like Iggy Pop's "88 Lines About 44 Women," except there would be the need to scratch all references to women, replace them with the assorted array of occurrences/trips/Violet milestones and juxtapose them against the oddball stereotypes of new parents? Alright, maybe is has just been a glorious whirlwind through family visits, Grand Lake, Ruidoso, Chicago and the Democratic Convention, and has no relationship to the song at all. Good song, even better times over here watching this neat lady as she has passed from loving arms to loving arms.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Please Hold.

The party you wish to reach is experiencing a high volume of work. Your visit is important to us. Please hold. Your wait time will be approximately 2 weeks. (insert muzak here).

Sunday, July 27, 2008


It sure is exciting over here at 123. First there were the backhoes, jack hammers and closed streets of the last two weeks, then some drunkard thought it funny to tip over the workers port-o-let on the corner. This left the question of whether someone may be trapped in there and if that was the case, they would be truly saddened to know that every rescue vehicle on this side of town was outside the house yesterday as our neighbor's house went on fire. The only thing that could top that drama was Heyden's tough Sunday re-delivering the 1000 rubber bands he devoured the other day. In actuality, it was more like 994 as 6 were utilized for their intended purpose. We were going to take some pictures of the rubber band fiasco, but figured those with Vi and her first emergency vehicle onslaught were more tasteful, albeit only slightly. We should note that our neighbor and his dog are fine and the port-o-let seems vacant. Heyden is simply thankful he didn't opt to eat the paper clips.

Friday, July 25, 2008

If You've Got It Flaunt It

For fear that she would one day wake up with a small pile of her fabulous soft mohawk left behind in her sleeping nook, some snaps were in order.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Look Mom, No Earplugs!

Sweet Vi, plugged through another new experience last Friday as she toughed out her first 15 hour festival day. She bravely rolled under tents being erected, selected wood at Home Depot without getting splinters, lobbied for staff naps, cited the clear stupidity of the line-up and shed needed light on the glaring lack of a milk geared beverage area. She is not so sure she would ever want to be involved in this ridiculous line of work, but she sure did make her mom teary proud.